Monday, January 20, 2020

Feedback Thoughts

The first article that I chose to read was A fixed mindset could be holding you back. I found this fascinating because it was basically describing the mindset that I used to have when I started college.  I used to always thing that I was a B/C student and that I would never graduate college yet here I am one semester away from doing just that!

The second article that I read was Silence the critical voices in your head.  This one was also a good read because it really laid out what I have been dealing with for most of my school life.  I have always had voices in my head tell me that I will never be able to graduate, or that I should just given up and stop trying.  I have been able to quiet those voices and have been able to push through to get to the point where I will graduate in fall 2020.

The most productive feedback I received in my life is when people tell me what I can improve on. Even though I may not want to hear it, I think that it is beneficial to hear constructive criticism. I am able to take the critique I have received and use it to better improve the area of my life I need to work on.

Feedback. (2020)
mohamad_hassan. Source:Pixabay

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